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13941 Hwy 9 N
Alpharetta, GA, 30004
United States


Memory Care

Alzheimer's, Dementia, and Memory Care

Phoenix Senior Living’s Alzheimer’s Care, Dementia & Memory Loss Care Services are designed around each unique individual we serve, while providing a safe, familiar, yet stimulating environment.  Our teams are trained to understand the uniqueness of each senior which is then used to develop individual care plans based on the different preferences and needs of each senior, with a keen eye on the vast experiences of a senior’s life prior to memory loss issues.  We know that memory loss affects everyone differently and focus on understanding each individual senior to provide care and services for memory loss issues that are not only individualized, dignified and compassionate but allows the senior  to respond in the most positive way possible.

Memory Care Service Includes:

  • A designated, safe neighborhood that offers a pleasant and stimulating environment

  • Personal, individualized care

  • Medication Management

  • Continence Management

  • 24 hour nursing on site

  • A team trained to work with the unique needs of seniors with memory loss

  • Secure courtyards and walking paths

  • Customized memory programs, designed to recognize the various preferences of seniors

  • Activities created specifically to encourage engagement, 7 days a week

  • Housekeeping services

  • Laundering of linens and personal laundry

  • Restaurant Dining with Resident Choice

  • Local transportation services

  • Support groups for caregivers and families