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13941 Hwy 9 N
Alpharetta, GA, 30004
United States


Assisted Living

Assisted Living

Phoenix Senior Living’s assisted living services offers an ideal option for seniors who value their independence yet require additional assistance with daily activities. Seniors enjoy the privacy of their own apartment and the support of our caring and trained staff for anything they may need – from personal care and medication, transportation or maybe just a friend to enjoy dinner with.

We offer different assisted living service plans, ensuring residents receive the care they need to fit their lifestyle. Residents enjoy world-class service delivered by a caring, compassionate and dedicated team and families will enjoy peace of mind knowing that their loved one is enjoying life to its fullest with the assistance they need.

Assisted Living Services Includes:

  • Assistance with daily tasks

  • E-call systems in bathrooms and bedrooms, and mobile pendants to call for immediate help

  • 24-hour nursing

  • Medication management

  • Continence management

  • Restaurant-style dining

  • Weekly apartment cleaning and linen services

  • Local transportation services

  • Full calendar of diverse activities