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13941 Hwy 9 N
Alpharetta, GA, 30004
United States



About Us

Phoenix Senior Living is a company of people serving people. Everything we do is deeply engrained in that core belief. 


Phoenix Senior Living is a privately held senior housing organization with properties that will be located within suburban communities throughout the southeast region.  Each Phoenix Senior Living community will offer world-class, innovative and personalized services for seniors in both assisted living and memory care settings. The Phoenix Senior Living difference is a founding belief that aging and memory care affects everyone differently – care and services for seniors should be designed to serve the uniqueness of each individual, delivered by a team of trained, engaged and loyal associates.  A team that understands the complexities of the aging process and joins our team with a passion to our core belief “When it comes to your loved one, everything matters and it matters to us!"

Phoenix Senior Living’s founding philosophy also includes an understanding of the complex decision making process families are faced with when making decisions about senior living options for a loved one.  Our services and options make every effort to minimize the financial concerns for seniors and their families with packaged care pricing to mitigate the fear of the unknown and unexpected escalating expenses.  We also believe this allows families to focus on what is most important and that is spending quality time with their loved ones – knowing they are in the best possible choice for senior living. 


Phoenix Senior Living’s commitment to excellence in senior living is reflected in what sets us apart from all others; it is our team of trained, engaged and loyal associates.  We know it is our teams that make the difference and our core values includes an unwavering commitment to hiring for heart , training to excellence and retaining the best of the best.